
November 27, 2021


Which post is better in the RRB Group D and what about career growth?

RRB Group D or Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) recruits candidates for various posts in Group D every year. RRB Group D consists of 28 profile Group D job vacancies in Railways in various sectors.

SSC RRB Group-D is a service under the Central Government under the Ministry of Railways. Apart from salary, all other benefits and allowances are provided to Group D employees such as traveling allowance, free rail services, etc.

The dream of getting a government job in Indian Railways is the dream of every youth and it is also thought in the mind of the candidate that which job should go for them in RRB Group D and they live in the illusion that the right recruitment in RRB Group D How to choose which post for. So in this article, we have given brief details about which can be the better post for RRB Group D.

Career Growth: RRB Group D Posts

According to RRB Group D career growth, you can make a very good career in Railways. In Railways, you can get promoted to various posts of Group C by giving departmental examinations. If someone has worked in the Railways for more than three years, then he can consider his promotion. And the eligibility criteria for promotion may also change.

Posts under RRB Group-D

Before applying to these profiles, you need to have brief information about them, what kind of work they do in these posts, and whether your educational qualification is complete or not, as well as check the eligibility criteria.

RRB Group D Posts Career Growth:

S.No Name of the post Department Promotion
1 Assistant (Workshop) Mechanical Superintendent
2 Assistant Bridge Engineering Section Engineer
3 Assistant C&W

(Carriage and Wagon)

Mechanical Superintendent
4 Assistant Depot


Stores Depot Material

Superintendent Grade I

5 Assistant Loco

Shed (Diesel)

Mechanical Section Engineer
6 Assistant Loco

Shed (Electrical)

Electrical Section Engineer
7 Assistant Operations


Electrical Section Engineer
8 Assistant Pointsman Traffic Superintendent
9 Assistant Signal

& Telecom

Signal and Telecommunication

(S and T)

Section Engineer
10 Assistant Track Machine Engineering Section Engineer
11 Assistant TL & AC

(Train Lights & AC)

Electrical Section Engineer
12 Assistant TL & AC


Electrical Section Engineer
13 Assistant TRD

(Traction Distribution)

Electrical Section Engineer
14 Assistant Works Engineering Section Engineer
15 Assistant Works


Engineering Section Engineer
16 Hospital Assistant Medical Superintendent
17 Track Maintainer

Grade IV

Engineering Section Engineer

RRC Group D Salary (All Posts)

Make it clear that in the above, most of the posts have the same pay as their basic pay is the same, let’s scroll down to know more details about salary.

BASIC PAY:18,000

DA 12%: 2160

TPA: 1800


*X Class City:-4320

*Y Class City:- 2880

*Z Class City:- 1440



*X Class City:-22,320

*Y Class City:- 20,880

*Z Class City:- 19440


Net Salary of Track Maintainer

*X Class City: 25,020

*Y Class City: 23,580

*Z Class City: 22,140

Apart from this, Allowances and Perks are also provided to you in RRB group various posts.

Payscale and other facilities –

RRB Group-D Salary 18000/- Rs. will be in Level-1 of the 7th Central Pay Commission Matrix with an initial payment of Rs. In this way, after adding salary, allowances, and other emoluments, the total salary comes in the range of ₹ 22000/- to ₹ 25000/-.

Its detailed analysis is as follows –

  • Pay Scale – 5200-20200
  • Grade Pay – 1800
  • Basic Pay – 18000
  • HRA or House Rent Allowance – 3060 to 4320
  • Gross Pay – will be between 22,500 to 35,380.

The House Rent Allowance of Railway Group-D employees – city or region wise – ie for X, Y and Z category cities makes up 24, 16 and 8 percent of the basic pay respectively. On the basis of the population of cities, they are divided into X, Y and Z. Cities with a population of more than 50 lakhs are classified as X, cities with a population between 5 lakhs to 50 lakhs are categorized as Y, and cities with less than 5 lakhs are categorized as Z. Group-D employees get 17% of the basic pay as daily allowance, which can be revised up to 21%. Apart from this, Group D employees also get a travelling allowance, which depends on the location.

Posts under RRB Group-D –

In RRB Group-D, the candidates are appointed on the basis of the department. The posts covered under it are as follows –

Job-profile of the posts of RRB Group-D –

Railway Group-D is a basic job of a railway with minimum pay. In this, the employees mainly have to do the work of looking after the railway tracks, or of an assistant. This would include maintenance of tracks, rail-coach, department, store etc. In this, the duty of an employee depends on the ‘designation’ he gets. For example, if you get a job in Diesel Locomotive, your job will be the maintenance of Loco-Locomotives.

Factors affecting Promotions in RRB Group D-

Railway Group-D employees are entitled to promotion on completion of three years of regular service on the basis of performance in the written examination. For this, a weightage of 85 is given for the written test and 15 for the service record. However, the above condition of a minimum of three years of service for promotion is not applicable to the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Written Examination for Promotion – In order to test the practical knowledge of the applicant for promotion from Railway Group-D to Group-C, the question paper is divided into two parts A and B. In this, Part A examines the English language, and Part B examines the general consciousness of arithmetic and mainly railways. The main objective of the written test is to check the intelligence and general level of proficiency of the candidates.

The question papers of RRB Group available at BYJU’s Exam Prep can be practiced in both Hindi/English languages. There is no oral i.e. ‘viva’ in the RRB Group-D exam.

For promotion from Group-D to Group-C posts in the ministerial cadre, typing speed should be 30 words per minute in English and 25 words per minute in Hindi. However, promotion may be allowed on provisional-based training. Also, employees who fail in the first attempt may be given a second chance to prove their worth.


It is clear from the above description that a good pay scale in an RRB Group-D job, apart from many perks and travel facilities, one gets everything that one is looking for in a better career.

It is worth noting that the applicant’s initial qualification requirements to make a career in SSC RRB Group-D are also not very high level, and if you have passed the high school level exam then you can join it.

It is an important service under the central government. in which to develop These important opportunities and related facilities are available, as well as a better income. Under this

With the initial payment, the 7th Central Pay Commission will be in Level-1 of the matrix, along with travelling allowance and house rent allowance based on the classification of cities, as well as other facilities and allowances will also be payable. Obviously, SSC RRB Group-D presents a better option in front of us as a career.

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Sentiment Analysis: How to Use NetBase Quid To Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Sentiment Analysis or opinion mining can be performed on any type of text (email, reviews, blog posts, documents, etc) or be utilized on an account-level basis. Positive sentiment can be defined as “positive feeling, good feeling, enthusiasm, interest, contentedness, pleasure, appreciation, goodwill, support and good wishes”.

How to use NetBase quid

Using NetBase quid is very simple. After the software download, the next step is to enter some keywords and some sentence fragments. For example, you could enter “I love espresso” as an input keyword and the sentence fragment “mucho más” as a sentence fragment. NetBase quid then analyzes this data and picks out the most positive words and phrases.

To see all the sentences that NetBase quid has extracted, simply click on “You’re welcome” and “I’m a music professional”. You can then go back to the report to analyze each individual phrase and word. Just click on the highlighted word to analyze the data.

How to interpret the data

Sentiment analysis can be used to figure out the emotional value of a piece of writing. For example, if you want to determine whether people like a piece of content, you would look at the sentiment of the piece. One way of analyzing this information is by breaking it down into positive, negative, or neutral messages. Positive messages are generally more positive, and negative messages are generally negative. Neutral messages are generally neutral, or have no overall emotional impact on the reader.

Search marketing

NetBase Quid is a collaborative online platform for opinion mining in social media. By using Quid’s technology, it is possible to build opinion mining and customer sentiment tracking.

Is NetBase Quid a good choice for sentiment analysis?

On the surface, NetBase Quid seems like a great tool for opinion mining. It is capable of recording in a single data table all the sentiment data on a page, and that data can be exported in CSV format, which makes it a useful tool for parsing the words in a database. The manual scoring is a little clunky (A) and simple to abuse (B). Overall, NetBase Quid is a strong choice for opinion mining.

Analyzing competitors provides marketers with an invaluable tool in mapping competitors’ networks and their channels of distribution. Once a competitive gap has been identified, marketers can then benchmark their network against their competitor’s, determining whether a targeted marketing campaign is the best course of action.

Why sentiment analysis?

Opinion mining offers the advantage of assessing whether data is negative, neutral or positive. Because this analysis is focused on sentiment, a opinion mining system does not need to determine the quality or importance of the content it is analyzing. Since a opinion mining system is able to determine a sentiment score for a particular piece of text, a business can determine if content is positive, negative, neutral or somewhere in between.

How does opinion mining work?

The NLP techniques used to perform opinion mining depend on the particular language feature (NLP: natural language processing) employed and its domain knowledge. The NLP technique can be applied to text generated from text messages, social media posts, websites, and emails. By utilizing big data platforms, sentiment analysis can be further extended to online articles, news articles and blog posts. Companies can enhance their marketing through the following:

  • Monitoring customer feedback
  • Identifying areas of their products or services that require improvement
  • Conducting analysis of customer conversations about your product, brand or service
  • Conducting customer-specific analysis to identify needs that your product or service can address
  • Measuring audience sentiment in conversations

Opinion mining can be used to quantify overall and sub-grouped opinion mining to track a variety of customer conversations and sentiment. Most of the components of NLP have already been invented, but not applied in mass in the marketing sector.

How to use NetBase Quid sentiment analysis?

Quid aggregates feedback, and extracts the individual sentiment score for each customer. You can check your sentiment levels by simply tagging your content with the desired tag, or you can create specialized fields to trigger opinion mining. You can then use this to develop campaigns that analyze customer feedback for sentiment and boost customer retention and growth.

All you have to do is upload your customer feedback, product review, or advertising response, and Quid will transform it into customer sentiment scores. You can then choose to respond to your customers’ questions, or whether you want to advertise specifically to your most loyal and engaged customers.

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