
September 8, 2022


What Tax Credits Are You Eligible For?

The federal government offers several tax credits to assist taxpayers, primarily those in middle-class and low-income families, in the amount of income taxes they owe or maximize their refund. Contacting business performance advisory services will help you with your taxes in the best way possible. Here are some of the largest tax credits that could significantly influence your income and tax status and for which you might be eligible.

Credit for Earned Income:

The Tax Credit for Earned Income is among the most significant credits available to taxpayers. The 1975-established Earned Income Tax Credit is based on income and is factored in depending on filing status: single, couple filing jointly, or any of those with children. It was created to help offset the cost of Social Security taxes and to encourage people to work. Earned, investment, and adjusted gross income are considered when determining eligibility and credit amounts.

Credit for Lifetime Learning:

In contrast to the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which is only accessible for the first four years of post-secondary school, the Lifetime Learning Credit was created to help pay for all years of post-secondary education. The credit is also open to those who are not seeking a degree.

Tax credit for American Opportunity:

The Hope Credit has assisted families in paying for higher education for many years. The American Opportunity Tax Credit has replaced and increased that credit since 2009.

  • The AOTC covers four years study of after secondary studies.
  • People with modified adjusted gross incomes (MAGI) of $80,000 or under, or $160,000 or even less for married couples declaring jointly, are eligible for the full credit.
  • You may get up to $2,500 of the cost of eligible tuition and teaching materials spent during the taxable year, based on your earnings (the credit decreases as income grows).
  • The student must have been enrolled for a minimum of one academic period, at least half-time.
  • Per-student availability applies to this credit.

Credit for Child and Dependent Care:

The Child and Dependent Care Credit assist with childcare or babysitting expenses. Anyone who has to arrange childcare for dependents under 13 to find employment or look for work is eligible. The cost of caring for a spouse or dependent of any age who is mentally or physically unable to take care of themselves is also eligible for the credit. You must be unmarried, married, filing jointly, the head of household, a qualifying widow or widower, or have a qualifying child.

Tax Credit for Savers:

For qualifying donations to retirement benefits, including qualified investment retirement accounts, 401(k)s, and specific other retirement plans, the Savers Tax Credit, previously called Retirement Savings Contributions Credit, is available. The largest tax credit, up to $1,000 for single filers and $2,000 for joint filers, is available to taxpayers with the lowest incomes.

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