
What Is A Dental Bridge? 

7 Factors Followed By a Dentist Before Doing Your Dental Bridge

Are you planning to go for dental bridges in Fort Myers, FL? Do you exactly know what a dental bridge is? Let’s go through this article to understand dental bridge and its depending factors. 

A Dental Bridge is a customized bridge of the shade of the color of your teeth placed to bridge in the gap caused by missing or fallen teeth. This is a part of cosmetic dentistry that focuses on enhancing your teeth’ appearance and beautifying your smile.

Following are the factors your dentist will consider before fixing a dental bridge in your mouth:

  • Age

Cosmetic dentistry is age-related. Normally, cosmetic dentists avoid placing bridges in kids. Their age is susceptible to change due to many factors. One of them is the dental structure. Kids get new sets of teeth naturally pre and post-adolescence. It is practically impossible to fix a bridge in this condition when the teeth gap is filled by fresh new teeth.

  • Number of Missing Teeth

Since cosmetic dentistry aims at improving your teeth’s appearance and overall smile, it is quite normal for your dentist to check certain factors beforehand. A dental bridge is the placement of artificial custom-made teeth. It should be of exact measurement. Any inch here and there can cause you discomfort and pain, at times. Hence your dentist will take the exact number of missing teeth.   

  • Gap’s  Size

A cosmetic dentist will check for the accurate size of the gap caused by missing teeth. Any improper measurement can lead you to a lot of discomfort and will not meet your expectations. Hence a dentist will always match the size of the gap with the size of your dental bridge.  

  • Nearby Teeth Condition 

A dental bridge is fixed on the nearby teeth, so it is very crucial to know whether or not those teeth are natural. Natural teeth can support the weight of the bridge to fill in the gap. These teeth help the customized structure to last longer. They provide dental bridges with firm grip and support.

  • Overall Oral Health

A dental bridge is placed on the polished natural surrounding teeth. These teeth act as pillars to support these customized dental bridges. It is, thus, very important to know the health of your overall natural teeth and gums. Understand the procedure of dental bridges in Fort Myers, FL before getting it done by any dentist.